Ultra Thin Client Technology
Absolute security, no BIOS, no OS, no file management

European Thin Client manufacturer

FAQ - AxRM Administration Software

Most Frequently Asked Questions about Using AXEL Thin Client Administration Software.
AxRM is available for free download on this site.

'Old' Thin Clients can't be administered

By default, to administrate thin clients, the XML protocol is used by AxRM. With 'old' thin client, this XML protocol could be not supported.

In this case, the AxRM settings must be changed. Set the "Administration Command Protocol(s)" to "RSH Only".

"Invalid Firmware" Error When the Thin Client Boots Up

If the firmware download is interrupted the terminal can be left in a state where you cannot enter the setup menu to download new firmware . Power fluctuations or hardware failure can also cause the firmware to become corrupted. To recover from this situation the following procedure needs to be used.

Download and install on a Windows PC AxRM (AXEL Remote Management). Run AxRM and select 'Advanced Functions' 'Repair Device with bootp'

Enter serial number of 'faulty' terminal in box indicated. Enter IP address to be allocated to terminal. (At this stage the AXEL has no IP address). Navigate the 'Firmware File' to firmware file (Firmware Download). Click 'Start BOOTP' button. Power cycle the terminal.

What Actually Happens:
If the terminal cannot load its f/w it sends out a BOOTP request to find a BOOTP server from which to download new f/w. Part of this bootp request its own MAC address. Within the AxRM tool there is a BOOTP and TFTP server. When AxRM's BOOTP server is started it listens for a BOOTP request from the faulty terminal. It also knows the MAC address of the terminal as you entered it - (It can work out the MAC address from the terminal's serial number that you entered).
At this stage the terminal has broadcasted a BOOTP request containing MAC address, and the PC is listening for a BOOTP request with specific MAC address. Contact is made. The IP address is transferred, AxRM's TFTP server is started, and the firmware file is automatically transferred. You should see 20 or so lines of dots on the AXEL Thin Client screen as the f/w transfers, the process takes about 30 seconds. Afterwards the terminal will need setting up - it will have lost all settings.
If this doesn't happen please call Axel with any error messages given.

"Syntax Error or not XML DATA" When Running an Administration Command

When running an administration command the message "Syntax error or not XML Data" is displayed

This could be due to an anti-virus software. (Such utilities not only check files and memory but also parse network dataflow).

Disable the anti-virus or only the network parser and try again.

If the problem remains, this could be due to a router (who checks and reformat dataflow). In this case, the solution is to use the legacy administration protocol (RSH) instead of the default one (XML). Go to [Files]-[Preferences] and select the "General" tab. Set the "Administration Command Protocol(s)" to "RSH only".

Administering Thin Clients with AxRM

The AxRM software allows system administrators to manage and configure AXEL TCP/IP products remotely over a network.
The remote AXEL device is selected by its IP address or network name. (The software can also assign an IP address to a newly installed terminal that has not had an IP address set)

AxRM is an abbreviation for AXEL Remote Management software.

AxRM is used for:

  • Obtaining hardware and firmware revision levels
  • Obtaining Ethernet and serial line configuration
  • Rebooting the peripheral
  • Remotely configuring a peripheral
  • Downloading firmware
  • Reloading factory settings
  • Repairing a terminal with BOOTP (lost firmware).

It is also possible:

  • To manage a terminal database
  • To compile a list (batch) of commands to run consecutively
  • To download a firmware though BOOTP
  • To set IP addresses by using the device MAC address

AxRM V4 is available free of charge: Click here

AXEL Thin Clients and DHCP

To open a connection to a terminal (i.e to remotely administrate a thin client), AxRM must know the ID of this thin client.

When static IP addresses are used the IP address is suitable for this identifier.

However when the IP address is provided by DHCP, the IP address can't be used as the IP address is liable to change.
In this situation the ID must be the DNS name.

Note: to be compliant with this rule, when a terminal is discovered by AxRM, the ID associated in the AxRM database is either the IP address or the DNS name (depending if the thin client is running DHCP or not).

When the ID is the DNS name, DDNS (Dynamic DNS) must be used. In this scenario the DHCP server collaborates with the DNS server, updating the DNS server with the new terminal's DNS name.

Using a DNS name allows AxRM to administrate terminals in a dynamic-IP-addressing environment.

Care needs to be taken over the 'DNS Cache' on the machine where AxRM is running. For more information, click here.

AxRM V3: AxRM Terminates After the Splash Screen

When running AxRM the splash screen is displayed then AxRM terminates.

Explanation #1:
AxRM execution is aborted by the DEP module (Data Execution Prevention). The DEP module does not recognise AxRM and prevents it from running.

Two methods can be used to fix this problem:

1. Set AxRM as a trusted software:
In the control panel click on "system". On the "Advanced" tab, under Performance, click "Settings" . On the "Data Execution Prevention" tab:

  • Either select the option "Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only"
  • Or check the "Axel Remote Manager" item. Reboot the server to make this change take effect.

2. Disable the XP-like menu component in AxRM (V2.3.3 minimum)
Run "regedit.exe". Go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]-[SOFTWARE]-[Axel]-[AxRM V2] and set "UseHookMenu" to 0.

Explanation #2:
After the splash screen, AxRM attempts to detect the current NIC (Network Interface Card). This detection has certainly failed.
An alternative NIC detection method is available. To enable it, run "regedit.exe". Go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]-[SOFTWARE]-[Axel]-[AxRM V2] and set "ListNICLegacyMethod" to 1 (AxRM V3.2.0 minimum).

AxRM V3: Installation Problem with fraplus1.ocx and btnplus1.ocx

During the installation of AxRM the following error messages may be seen:

  • An error occurred while registering the file c:windowssystem32FraPlus1.ocx
  • An error occurred while registering the file c:windowssystem32BtnPlus1.ocx

This error is due to an incompatibility of these components with the new Windows function 'DEP' (Data Execution Prevention)

Note: Data Execution Prevention is a set of hardware and software technologies that perform additional checks on memory to help prevent malicious code from running on a system. It's only used on some CPU processors.

To install AxRM it is necessary to restrict the function of DEP:

In the control panel click on "system". On the "Advanced" tab, under Performance, click "Settings" . On the "Data Execution Prevention" tab select the option "Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only". Reboot the server to make this change take effect.

The AxRM installation will now proceed as normal.

AxRM V3: Installation Problem: SQLDMO.DLL

During AxRM V3 installation, an error box about SQLDMO.DLL may be displayed.

If MS-SQL is not needed this error can be ignored. Else this can be fixed by installing the "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility" package.

Packages can be downloading from the Microsoft site:

In event of problem these packages are also available from the AXEL web site:
Package X86
- Package X64

Install the package. (Ensure that 'SQL Distributed Management Objects' is selected.)

AxRM V4: Error 27 is Displayed When Connecting to MySQL Server

The Error 27 is displayed when connection to MySQL server because the libmysql.DLL file is not found.

Copy this file from you MySQL package to the AxRM installation folder.


Error "No XML Response" when Downloading a Firmware

All administration commands (Get setup, Send setup...), except 'Firmware Download' work.
The error "No XML response" is displayed when upgrading a firmware.

The cause could be the anti-virus software installed on the computer running AxRM.


  • Solution #1
    Select the RSH administration protocol rather than XML. See the 'FAQ - "Syntax Error or not XML DATA" When Running an Administration Command'.
  • Solution #2
    Disable the anti-virus software when AxRM is used
  • Solution #3
    If the anti-virus software is F-SECURE, please find a procedure to set AxRM as a trusted software.1) Open the 'F-Secure Policy Manager' console
    2) Select 'Root' in the 'Domain Tree'.
    3) In the 'Settings' tab, select 'Advanced View'
    4) Then select F-Secure Network Filter > Settings > Excluded applications > click "Add" then enter the full pathname of AxRMV4.exe.
    5) Select "Disallow Users Changes"
    6) Distribute policies.

How to to Upgrade a Thin Client Firmware?

First you must get the firmware file. Most of the firmware are available from our WEB site of the Firmware Download Zone. If a firmware file is missing, contact the AXEL technical support.

Note: We advise to upgrade a firmware only if it's actually needed (new feature, problem fix...). Indeed, in opposite of a PC, AXEL Thin Clients don't need regular upgrades (for example for fixing a security breach).

Run AxRM. If the thin client is not included in the database, click the Discover option. The thin client can also manually added.

Then click-right the thin client entry and select 'Firmware Download'. Enter the firmware file name (FK...). Leave enabled the 'Preserve the configuration' option. Click [Run Command]

Attention: the firmware file must match the thin client hardware (FK40, FK55, FK56...)

First the terminal configuration will be retreived and stored. The the firmware file will be uploaded to the thin client. After the thin client reboot, the configuration file is sent back. After a second reboot the thin client is ready to be used.

Miscellaneous Issues with Remote Control

The possible issues are the following:

1 - 'Remote Access' option and related icon are inaccessible (greyed out)
The target thin client is too old. This function is not available on these discontinued products:

  • AX3000 Models 55 & 65E
  • AX3000 Models 60 & 60E
  • AX3000 Models 65, 65B & 65E

2 - In the 'Remote Access' box, the 'VNC Remote Control' option is inaccessible (greyed out)
The VNC remote control in not supported by AX3000 M75.

3 - Error Message "Remote Control Service is not enabled on the AXEL device"
The remote access is not enabled at the thin client setup level:
Enter the thin client setup and go to [Configuration]-[Advanced]-[Remote Control] and enable the function.
Note : The connection could be blocked by a firewall (open TCP port 4098).

4 - Error Message "VNC Server not enabled on the remote terminal"
The VNC remote control is not enabled at the thin client setup level:
Enter the thin client setup and go to [Configuration]-[Advanced]-[Remote Control] and enable the remote control option..
Note : The VNC connection could be blocked by a firewall (open TCP port 5900).

5 - A third-party VNC client can't take the remote control of an AXEL Thin Client
First check the TCP port (by default the AXEL VNC TCP port is 5900).
Then check the number of color. On the VNC client side enable the 16bpp or the full color options.

The DNS Windows Cache

When a TCP/IP device opens a connection in a DNS environment, the DNS name of the destination must first be "resolved". This DNS resolution allows the IP address to be obtained from the DNS name, allowing the connection to be established. (This IP address can be dynamic when using a DHCP environment).
Each time a DNS name has to be resolved a DNS request is sent to the DNS server(s).

'DNS Cache' Overview
To reduce the number of DNS requests, a DNS cache is maintained on Windows machines. This is an array where known associations between name and IP are stored. The Windows machine first searches for an entry in its DNS cache before sending a DNS request to the server.

This causes a potential problem in the following scenario:
The thin client boots, obtains an IP address via DHCP, the DHCP server updates the DNS server. The first time AxRM contacts this thin client it resolves the thin client's DNS name and obtains the IP address. Connection is established, remote commands work and the PC caches the thin client's DNS name and IP address. When the thin client reboots it will re-contact the DHCP server to request an IP address. This IP address may be different to the address previously provided. Now, when the AxRM PC tries to contact the thin client, it will first access its own DNS cache, lookup the DNS name and find the old IP address is still associated to the DNS, and the connection with fail....

The solution is disabling the DNS cache. Then each time a DNS name is to be resolved a DNS request will be have to be sent.

The DNS cache can be disabled either within AxRM preferences or from a CMD prompt:
net stop dnscache

Note: To disable the DNS cache permanently in Windows, use the Service Controller tool or the Services tool to set the DNS Client service startup type to Disabled. Note that the name of the Windows DNS Client service may also appear as "Dnscache." For more information consult the Microsoft knowledge base: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/318803.

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