Ultra Thin Client Technology
Absolute security, no BIOS, no OS, no file management

European Thin Client manufacturer

FAQ - Using Text Mode on AXEL Thin Clients

Most Frequently asked Questions about Text Emulations (ANSI, VT, 5250,3270, etc...)

Connecting Specific Printers (industrial, barcode, etc.)

Most industrial printers use a language specifically designed by the manufacturer. In this case no printer driver is used. Printer commands are sent directly

We advise to use one of the two following settings:

Manufacturer type and Model (MFRTYPMDL): *NONE"
WCST library (WSCSTLIB) :


Manufacturer type and Model (MFRTYPMDL) : *WSCST

Disconnection Problems with OS V5R1, V5R2 and V5R3

Screen or printer sessions may be suddenly disconnected when running an OS V5.x

This issued is fixed by the following PTFs:

  • V5R1: PTF MF34316
  • V5R2: PTF MF34380
  • V5R3: PTF MF34559

We advise to apply the related PTF in any case.

Does my AXEL Thin Client Support AS400/5250 Connections?

The AXEL Thin Client offers both session connection (tn5250 protocol) and printer connection (Prt5250 and LPD protocols).

To connect to an AS/400 the AXEL Thin Client must contain 5250 emulation firmware. This emulation is available as a standard feature with most of AXEL Thin Client models. If not, the thin client must be upgrade with a firmware including the I52 option.

Editing a TCP/IP Trace on AS/400

There is an OS/400 utility allows the network traffic between the AS/400 and a specific AXEL Thin Client to be recorded and the resultant TCP/IP trace emailed to AXEL for investigation.

1 - Before running the trace

From an AXEL Thin Client, be ready to run the application you want to trace.

2 - Running the trace

  1. From another terminal, log on as QSECOFR and invoke the following:
    ===> STRSST
  2. Start the service:
    1. Start a service tool
  3. Select the following command:
    3. Work with communications trace
  4. Start the trace:
    F6 Start trace
  5. Within the displayed menu, modify the following parameters (to find the name of TCP/IP line, invoke: cfgtcp, then option 1. Work with TCP/IP interface):
    Configuration object . . . . . name of the TCP/IP line
    Buffer size . . . . . . . . . 4
    Number of bytes to trace
    Beginning bytes . . . . . . *MAX
  6. Select the use of a filter
    7. IP address data
  7. Enter the IP address of the spied Platine
    Remote IP address . . . . . . xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Then on the AX3000, run the software you want to trace.

3 - Stopping and editing the trace

  1. Stop the trace:
    2=Stop trace
  2. Format and edit the trace:
    6=Format and print trace
  3. Enter the following information:
    Controller . . . . . . . . . . *ALLData representation. . . . . . 3

    Format RR, RNR commands . . . N
    Format Broadcast data . . . . N
    Format UI data only . . . . . N
    Format SNA data only. . . . . N
    Format TCP/IP data only . . . Y
    Format IPX data only. . . . . N
    Select Ethernet data. . . . . 3

  4. And...
    IP address . . . . . . . . . . *ALLIP address . . . . . . . . . . *ALL

    Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . *ALL

The trace is now edited. From a Windows box running "Client Access", transfer the spool file and send it by email to our support department.

Giving a Name to a Screen Session

As with an SNA terminal, a name can be associated with an AXEL Thin Client session. This name is negotiated by the AXEL Thin Client at the connection time.

Note: A unique name must be given to each session.

To associate a name with a session, enter the AXEL Thin Client Setup, select [Configuration]-[Sessions]-[Session X]. Within the displayed box, set the "Terminal Name (DEVNAME)" parameter.

If this name is left blank, a dynamic name will be given by the AS/400 (QPADEVxxx).

This modification will take effect at the next AXEL Thin Client connection (the current session can be closed by pressing <Ctrl><Alt><D> or the AXEL Thin Client can be shutdown by pressing <Ctrl><Alt><Del>).

How to Change the Keyboard Type (PC or AS/400)?

The AXEL Thin Client supports both a 5250 (122 keys) and a PC/AT keyboard (102/105 keys). The keyboard type is not auto-detected. So the keyboard type must be specified through the AXEL Thin Client Setup.

If the AXEL Thin Client setting is not consistent (A PC keyboard is attached but a 5250 keyboard is declared, or vice versa), the keyboard won’t work. A specific keystroke allows to dynamically modify the keyboard type.

This keystroke is <Ctrl><Alt><K> with a PC keyboard, and <Rest><Alt><K> with a 5250 keyboard.

How to Connect a Serial Device (scanner, scales, etc....)?

A bidirectional serial device (scanner, scales, etc.) can be connected to either AUX1 or AUX2.

1 - Receiving Data sent by the serial device

Data sent by the serial device is put into the thin client keyboard buffer in order to emulate keyboard data entry.

As the AS/400 uses an EBCDIC character set and most serial devices use an ASCII character set, the EBCDIC to ASCII converter has to be enabled within the AXEL Thin Client.

To set up this functionality perform the following:

  • Enter the AXEL Thin Client Setup
  • Select [Configuration]-[Terminal]-[Miscellaneous] and set "Default Port" to "AUX1" or "AUX2"
  • Select [Configuration]-[Ports]-[Ports aux.]-[AUXx] and
    • Set "Network Service" to "none"
    • Set "Operating Mode" to "ASCII to EBCDIC".
    • Set the communication parameters (baudrate, format, handshake, etc.).

2 - Sending Data to the Serial Device (if required)
This functionality allows a command to be sent to the serial device (for example requesting weight from scales).

To set-up this functionality perform the following:

  • Enter the AXEL Thin Client Setup
  • Select the auxiliary port previously set as "ASCII to EBCDIC"
  • Set "Aux. Sequencet" to the required ASCII string

Pressing <Alt Gr><F2> will send this ASCII string to the serial device.

How to Create a Printer Driver?

Various printer drivers are provided by the OS/400 – covering most requirements.

However the printer driver can be customized if required. This is done by the RTVWSCST and CRTWSCST commands. For more information, see the IBM Manual "Printer Device Programming" ref.: SC41-5713-03

This method has the benefit of modifying an existing driver to suite your requirements.

Example: using *HP4 to create HP4WSCST:

  1. Extracting the source code of the existing driver:
  2. Customizing the driver source code:
  3. Creating a WSCST object:
  4. Modifying the AXEL Thin Client settings :
    - Enter the AXEL Thin Client Setup
    - Select [Configuration]-[Ports aux.]-[xxx].
    - Within the dialog box set "Associated Service" to "none" then select "Net Service Parameters" and press <Space>
    - The displayed box allows the Prt5250 service to be customized: The following list the parameters to set in regard of the created printer driver :
  • Manufacturer Type and Model (MFRTYPMDL) . : *WSCST
  • WCST Name (WSCSTNAME) . . . . . . . . . . : HP4WSCST
  • WCST Library (WSCSTLIB) . . . . . . . . . : MYLIB

How to Handle a Thin Client's Printer?

Two printer protocols are available: LPD or Prt5250.

Normally the Prt5250 protocol is preferred. (No printer declaration is needed at OS/400 level), but the LPD protocol allows the printer to be shared between different operating systems.

The PRT5250 Protocol

The PRT5250 protocol (RFC 2877) is OS/400 oriented. We strongly recommend using this PRT5250 protocol.

A printer controlled by Prt5250 is seen a real Printer Device. (related command: CHGDEVPRT).

When the AXEL Thin Client is powered up, the AXEL Thin Client auxiliary ports associated with the PRT5250 protocol are automatically connected to the AS/400 through a telnet PRT5250 session. Then, the information of each auxiliary port (with the AXEL Thin Client Setup) is sent to the AS/400. The related printers are automatically created and enabled (no need to use the CHGDEVPRT command). A PRT5250 remains established until the AXEL Thin Client is powered-off.

For more information about the PRT5250 protocol, click here.

The LPD protocol

This protocol (RFCs 1048 and related) is provided as a standard feature by major operating systems (UNIX/Linux, NT, etc.). The main benefit of this protocol is an LPD printer can be shared by different operating systems. But LPD restrictions are:

  • The printer must be manually added to OS/400
  • The printer is accessed through an outqueue (and not a device)
  • The printer job manipulation is not fully supported

A printer controlled by LPD is seen as an OUTQUEUE (related command: CHGOUTQ).

The AS/400 host establishes an LPD connection when a print job is sent to the associated OUTQUEUE. This connection is closed when the print job is completed. The disconnection releases the printer. Then this printer is available for other servers.

For more information about the LPD protocol, see click here.

How to Use the Rule Function?

The "rule" function allows the cursor to be located easily among other characters. Three types of rules are available:

  • Cross: a horizontal line and a vertical line indicate the cursor location
  • Horizontal: a horizontal line is displayed at the cursor line
  • Vertical: a vertical line is displayed at the cursor column

Press <Alt Gr><F12> to enable/disable the rule function from a 5250 session.

IBM API Socket: Addressing Auxiliary Ports through an RPG Program

The serial and parallel ports can be addressed by an RPG program. This is done via the IBM API socket. This API is provided as a standard feature of OS/400.

The scenario is the following. A TCP/IP port is associated with an auxiliary port of the AXEL Thin Client. The RPG program opens a connection to the AXEL Thin Client (using the clients IP address and this TCP/IP port). When the connection is established, a pipe (i.e socket) is available. Data can be read from (or written to) this pipe.

1 - Setting the AXEL Thin Client
Enter the SXEL Thin Client Setup and select [Configuration]-[Ports]-[xxx]-[yyy]. Set "Associated service" to "rtty". Then select "Net Service Parameters" and press <Space>. Modify "TCP port" value if required (default value is 2048).

2 - Using the API Socket
Documentation had been published by IBM.  <Click here>. Contact Axel for a sample RPG program.

In Event of Problems with PRT5250 Printing...

If a problem occurs when the 5250 printer is established an error code is sent to the thin client .

To establish why a Prt5250 session has been refused, enter the thin client setup and select the menu [Diagnostics]-[Connections].

Within the displayed dialog box, select the REFRESH button and press <CR>. Read the information displayed for the printer printer port. Note the error code at the end of the line:

  • If no information is displayed, double-check that the auxiliary port is correctly set.
  • When the connection status continually cycles through CLOSED to CONNECT and there is no error number displayed at the end of the line, the device name is already used by another connection.
  • If the Prt5250 connection status is ";Connected" and if the error code is:
    • I902: at the AS/400 level, the printer is correctly set and ready (this can be checked by the WRKWTR command). If the printer problem remains, check using following method that the AXEL Thin Client is able to send data to the printer:
      Enter the AXEL Thin Client Setup, select [Configuration]-[Aux. Ports]-[xxx]. Within the displayed box, select the [TEST] button. A test printer banner should be printed.
  • Whatever the Prt5250 connection status, check the error code value. These are the main values (all possible errors are listed in the RFC 2877):
    • 8902 / 8903 (Device not available / Device not valid for session): the printer name is used for another connection.
    • 8925 (Creation of device failed : during the printer creation operation, at least one parameter is detected wrong (ex.: non-existing printer model).
    • 8928 (Change of device failed): during the printer modification operation (reconnection with different parameters), at least one parameter is detected wrong (ex.: non-existing printer model).
    • 8930 (Message queue does not exist): the message queue or its library doesn't exist.
    • 8940 (Automatic configuration failed or not allowed): the "QAUTOVRT" value is not correct.
      To modify it enter the following command:

      ===> CFGTCPTELN
      Option 10 . Autoconfigure Virtual Devices

      Note: in event of problem use the *NOMAX value

    • AX01 (Terminal type not recognized) : the TERM variable (by default IBM-3812-1) associated with the thin client printer port is not correct.

Reconnection Problems with OS V5R4

For V5R4, if power is cut or if the terminal is switched off without using the Ctrl-Alt-Del keystroke combination it may be impossible to reconnect to the session. This problem may also be experienced if the terminal is switched off from the sign-on screen.

This issued is fixed by the cumulative PTFs: SF99315

We advise to apply the related PTF in any case.

Setting-Up a Printer with the LPD Protocol

Note: If the printer is accessed by a single AS/400, we recommend using the PRT5250 protocol.

An LPD printer is set both at the AXEL Thin Client level and at the OS/400 level.

AXEL Thin Client Level

An LPD printer can be configured with 3 parameters:

  • An IP address (the AXEL Thin Client's IP address),
  • An identifier for the auxiliary port (character string),
  • An optional filter to pre-process the file before printing (but generally this processing is done at the operating system level).

Enter the AXEL Thin Client Setup and select [Configuration]-[Aux. Ports]-[xxx]. In the displayed box, set the "Associated Service" to "LPD", then select "Net Service Parameters" and press <Space>.

The displayed box allows to customize the LPD protocol. The following parameters must be set:

  • Printer Port Name:
    It's the OS/400 RMTPRTQ name (Uppercase letters are required)
  • NL=CR+NL Filter:
    Always No
  • Auto Form Feed:
    Always No

OS/400 Level

Note: only an OUTQUEUE can be created but we advise to create first a Printer DEVICE. (The device itself will not be used, only its OUTQUEUE will be used).

Printer Device Creation (the DEVD parameter is the printer, other parameter value are always the same).

Outqueue Modification (to associate it with the AXEL Thin Client auxiliary port):


  • AXPRT01 :
    Outqueue name (same as printer device name)
    It's the AXEL Thin Client "Printer Port Name".
    Uppercase letters are required.
  • *NECP2 :
    Manufacturer type and model (here a NEC type P2)
    Attention: this name must be an existing entry within the OS/400 driver list.
  • :
    AXEL Thin Client's IP address.

The run the following command to start the outqueue:

Setting-Up a Printer with the PRT5250 Protocol

Enter the AXEL Thin Client Setup and select [Configuration]-[Ports]-[xxx]-[yyy]. In the displayed box, set the "Associated Service" to "Prt5250", then select "Net Service Parameters" and press <Space>.

The displayed box allows the Prt5250 protocol to be customized . The following parameters must be set:

  • Host: The hostname to which the AXEL Thin Client opens a printer connection (press <space> to get a list of available hosts).
  • Advanced: Access to a group of parameters. The default values of these parameters are suitable for most of the use.
  • Printer Name (DEVNAME): Printer device name. This name must be unique
  • Queue for Writer Messages (MSGQNAME): Message queue name to which the printer messages will be sent.
    Default value: QSYSOPR
  • MSGQNAME Library (MSGQLIB): Associate message queue library.
    Default value: *LIBL
  • Font Identifier (FONT): Font number (3, 4 or 5 digits).
    Default value: 011
  • Host Print Transform (TRANSFORM): This parameter is not available. its value is always 'yes'.
  • Manufacturer Type and Model (MFRTYPMDL): Enter the printer driver name (ex: *NONE, *HP4, *NECP2...).
    Default value: *NONE
  • Paper Source 1 (PPRSRC1): Selected through list.
    Default value: *MFRTYPMDL
  • Paper Source 2 (PPRSRC2): Selected through list.
    Default value: *NONE
  • Envelope hopper (ENVELOPE): Describes the paper source 3 (selection through list).
    Default value: *NONE
  • ASCII 899 support (ASCII899): Specifies if the code page ASCII 899 is supported by the printer.
    Default value: *NO
  • WSCST name (WSCSTNAME): Qualified name of the customising object.
  • WSCST library (WSCSTLIB): Associated library.
    Note: When a new printer device is created, the Prt5250 connection is immediately established when the set-up is exited. But, when an existing printer device is modified, the modifications will take effect after the current printer session disconnection (enter the AXEL Thin Client Setup and select [Diagnostics]-[Connection State]-[Close]) of after the AXEL Thin Client is shutdown (use <Ctrl><Alt><Del>).

Transparent Mode: Sending ASCII Data to Session

This function allows developers to send ASCII data from RPG programs to AXEL Thin Client auxiliary ports or screen session.

1 - Setting a Screen Session

Enter the AXEL Thin Client Setup and select [Configuration]-[Sessions]-[Session X] then [Addtional Parameters]

Transparent mode : yes
On/off ASCII sequence : . . . .

Enable the transparent mode and select the transparent sequence (default value: @%@)

2 - Setting a Printer Session

Enter the AXEL Thin Client Setup and select [Configuration]-[Ports]-[Auxiliary Ports]-[xxx] then [Enhanced parameters]
Transparent Mode : yes
On/off ASCII sequence : . . . .

Enable the transparent mode and select the transparent sequence (default value: @%@)

3 - How to use

  • For a screen session, enable the transparent mode by sending the transparent sequence (seq) followed by a resource number:
    • Seq 0 -> Addressing the default auxiliary port
    • Seq 1 -> Addressing AUX1
    • Seq 2 -> Addressing AUX2
    • Seq 3 -> Addressing the parallel port
  • For a printer session, send only the transparent sequence to enable the transparent mode.
  • In both case, the transparent mode is disabled when the transparent sequence is sent a second time.
  • The character remapping is based on PC850 ASCII table (as with the ASCII to EBCDIC function).
  • The '/' character is used to code an ASCII hexadecimal code. A '/' must be followed by two characters (between 0 and F).
  • To send a '/', send the related hexadecimal ASCII code (/2F).
  • Both transparent mode and "ASCII to EBCDIC" function can be used.

4 - Examples

Transparent sequence is @%@

1) Screen session data flow:
Data received by the AXEL Thin Client: @%@1/1Bat/2F@%@ (446C44F161F1C281A361F2C6446C44)
Data send to the AUX1 port: <ESC>at/ (1B61742F)

2) Printer session data flow :
Data received by the AXEL Thin Client: @%@/1Bat/2F@%@ (446C44 61F1C281A361F2C6446C44)
Data send to the printer: <ESC>at/ (1B61742F)

Understanding the "Manufacturer Type and Model" Option

Whatever the selected printer protocol (Prt5250 or LPD), the printer is considered by OS/400 as an "OUTQUEUE type 3812" with the "Host Print Transform (TRANSFORM)" mode enabled.

The printer is handled by the AS/400 with the information given either by the PRT5250 protocol, either by the CHGOUTQ with the LPD protocol.

When the "Host Print Transform (TRANSFORM)" parameter is set to "YES", the AS/400 converts EBCDIC characters of the printer flow into ASCII characters. But sometimes this basic operation is not enough for a enhanced print function (attributes, fonts, etc.). Another parameter, "Manufacturer Type and Model" (MFRTYPMDL) allows to specify the printer driver.

A printer driver list is provided as a standard feature. But when it's required, a customized driver can be created. Click Here.

To know what is the printer driver advised by IBM, we strongly recommend to visit this site where printer manufacture are listed:

Using a 5250 Emulation with a PC Keyboard?

The AXEL Thin Client 5250 emulation allows function keys to be programmed. For example a series of keystrokes can be recorded and played back by pressing a single key. The recorded data is stored in non-volatile memory so is not affected by switching off.

Recorded keystrokes can be assigned to any of the 24 function keys (<F1> to <F12> or <Shift><F1> to <Shift><F12>).

Reminder: on a PC keyboard, <Alt Gr><F4> and <Alt Gr><F5> are the <Memor> and <Exec> keys of a 5250 keyboard.

Programming a Function Key
To record a series of keystrokes proceed as follows:

  • Press <Alt Gr><F4> to set the record mode
  • Press any one of the 24 function keys to which you want to assign the sequence
  • Type the key sequence you want to record
  • Press <Alt Gr><F4> to exit the record mode

Note: for each session there is a maximum of 1500 keystrokes recordable. Each individual function key has a maximum 256 keystrokes recordable.

Processing a key sequence
To execute a series of keystrokes that have been recorded:

  • Press <Alt Gr><F5> to set the Process mode,
  • Press the recorded function key,
  • The key sequence is processed.

Deleting a Recorded Function Key
To delete a series of keystrokes proceed as follows:

  • Press <Alt Gr><F4> to set the record mode,
  • Press any one of the 24 function keys to which you want to delete,
  • Press <Alt Gr><F4> to exit the record mode.
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