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AX3000 Models 80 & 85

Dual Monitor Support
Last Update: 13/09/2011
Dual Monitor support is now available as a firmware update for M80 & M85 terminals.

How do we do it?

Axel terminals do not have two monitor connectors, so to maximise flexibility and our customer’s investment in existing hardware we provide a firmware upgrade that essentially “partners” two existing terminals:
    - The first terminal (the Master) controls the left screen, controls the keyboard and mouse, and connection back to the server
    - The second terminal (the Slave) invisibly manages the right screen

Note: There is an option to position the screens vertically (upper and lower) for kiosk type applications.

Any combination of M80 and M85 terminals can be used for dual monitor.

How does it work?

Master and Slave f/w of the same revision must be installed on the corresponding terminals. Both terminals will have their own IP address – either static or via DHCP.

The slave does not need a keyboard and is totally driven by the master. Any changes made to the master, for example changing the resolution, are automatically propagated to the slave.

Dual monitor is supported on all RDP and ICA type connections (including VDI). The master alone makes the connection to the server, so only one connection is seen from the server.

Note: This method provides proper full dual screen support – ie if an application is maximised it will “snap” to fill its single screen. (ie not both screens as do some implementations) Also the Windows task bar is only displayed on the master.

To Test Dual Monitor Support

Simply load the slave firmware into a terminal. Enter the slave’s MAC address (displayed on slave’s screen) into the Master’s setup, and the Master will automatically synchronise required settings on the slave.

After the test standard firmware can be re-applied to the slave.