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AX3000 & AX4000
Legacy Documentations
Last Update: 03/09/2012
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  - AX3000 TCP/IP Models
  - AX3000 Serial Models

AX3000 TCP/IP Models  

Installation Guides (product overview: connectors, cabling, etc.):

Manuals related to the firmware 0922

  • User's Manual (models 80, 85 and Wireless M75)
    Summary: setting-up under Unix/Linux (character-based or VNC sessions), OS/400, OS/390 and Windows (RDP, ICA and Citrix Desktop). Setting-up auxiliary and logical ports (LPD, tty, Prt5250), remote administration, etc.
    Size: Kb
  • User's Manual M80WMS 
    Documentation for this product dedicated to Multipoint 2011/2012.
    Size: Kb

Manuals related to the firmware 0826 
  • User's Manual (models 70 & 75)
    Summary: setting-up under Unix/Linux (character-based or VNC sessions), OS/400, OS/390 and Windows (RDP, ICA and Citrix Desktop). Setting-up auxiliary and logical ports (LPD, tty, Prt5250), remote administration, etc.
    Size: Kb

Manuals related to the firmware 0632
  • User's Manual (models 65C, 70, 75)
    Summary: setting-up under Unix/Linux (character-based or VNC sessions), OS/400, OS/390 and Windows (RDP, ICA and Citrix Desktop). Setting-up auxiliary and logical ports (LPD, tty, Prt5250), remote administration, etc.
    Size: 1285 Kb
    Ref: AX3E/0632-7

Manuals related to the firmware 0521:
  • User's Manual (models 75, 75E, 75B et 75C)
    Summary: setting-up under Unix/Linux (character-based or VNC sessions), OS/400, OS/390 and Windows (RDP, ICA and Citrix Desktop). Setting-up auxiliary and logical ports (LPD, tty, Prt5250), remote administration, etc.
    Size: 1153 Kb
    Ref: AX3E/0521-1

Manuals related to the firmware 0416:
  • User's Manual (models 75, 75B, 75E)
    Summary: setting-up under Unix/Linux (character-based or VNC sessions), OS/400, OS/390 and Windows (RDP and ICA). Setting-up auxiliary ports (LPD, tty, Prt5250), remote administration, etc.
    Size: 1040 Kb
    Ref: AXM75E/0416-2

Manuals related to the firmware 0303:
  • User's Manual (models 65, 65B, 65E)
    Summary: setting-up under Unix/Linux (character-based or VNC sessions), OS/400, OS/390 and Windows. Setting-up auxiliary ports (LPD, tty, Prt5250), remote administration, etc.
    Size: 991 Kb
    Ref: AXM65E/0303-1
  • User's Manual (common to all TCP/IP models)
    Summary: setting-up under Unix/Linux (character-based or VNC sessions), OS/400, OS/390 and Windows. Setting-up auxiliary ports (LPD, tty, Prt5250), remote administration, etc.
    Size: 1011 Kb
    Ref: AXTCPE/0303-3
  • Installing and Using the Axel-VNCviewer
    Summary: going further with VNC.
    Size: 154 Kb
    Ref: AXVNCE-13

Manuals related to the firmware 9832:
  • User's Manual
    Summary: setting-up under Unix/Linux (character-based or VNC sessions), OS/400, OS/390 and Windows. Setting-up auxiliary ports (LPD, tty, Prt5250), remote administration, etc.
    Size: 471 Kb
    Ref.: AXTCPF/832-8
  • Using Under AS/400
    Addendum to the User's Manual
    Summary: setting-up 5250 session, printers (Prt5250 and LPD), remote administration, etc.
    Size: 135 Kb
    Ref.: AX5250E-11

Manuals related to the firmware 9701:
  • Installing under UNIX
    Summary: setting up text mode sessions under Unix, printers (LPD, TTY...), remote administration, etc.
    Size: 433 Kb
    Ref.: TCPE105/701-3
  • Installing under AS/400
    Summary: setting-up 5250 session, printers (Prt5250 and LPD), remote administration, etc.
    Size: 127Kb
    Ref.: OS4E105/701-3
  • User's Guide
    Summary: AX3000 terminal commands, character sets, etc
    Size: 1022 Kb
    Ref.: TCPUE105/701-3


AX3000 Serial Models 

Installation Guides (product overview: connectors, cabling, etc.):

Manuals related to the firmware 9648:
